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Donna Kingman Westrate

Donna Kingman
Residing In: Indianapolis, IN
Spouse/Partner: Westrate
Occupation (current & former): LPN
# of Children:


# of Grandchildren:


Personal/family interests:

My interests include anything that drawss me closer to God and to continuously grow spiritually. I love to write and was most grateful to be published in "Words of Hope" (a daily devotional) in 1996. Love to mentor younger women in the faith.

Summary of personal history since graduation:

Married, moved to Chicago and from there to Purdue. Relocated to Fairfield Connecticut, then to New Jersey. Lived there for 30 years. Have since moved to Indianapolis, IN to be closer to children. Divorced for the past 30 years.

School Memories you would like to share:

Loved being a part of a very small class. The comraderie was wonderful, especially among the girls. We did lots of fun things together.